Archives for category: Discussion

‘How do you maintain criticality whilst validating your practice out with immediate peer groups? How do you locate existing networks beyond the cities you’re used to? Here we identify ways of gaining mentorship and securing networks that work for you.’

Richard Taylor discusses Critical Writing Collective in a new article for a-n.

Critical Writing Collective are an invited organisation at the forthcoming AIRTIME event at S1 Artspace, Sheffield on 15th April. We’ll be discussing our project with fellow artists and writers, we hope to see you there.

AIRTIME event, Nottingham.

AIRTIME Nottingham, November 2009. Image:

Critical Writing Collective thank a-n for awarding us a NAN Go and See Bursary for research and development. We’ll be embarking on our research and reporting back very soon.

nan logo

We will also be blogging on our research project at

Charlotte Morgan discusses Critical Writing Collective on a film made by Axis at S1 Artspace.

Meet the artists – S1 studio holders from Axisweb on Vimeo.